2016,10,01, Saturday
1.What gets wetter as it dries?A towel.
(乾いていくと濡れていくものは? → タオル)
2.What can you only use when it's broken?
An egg.
(壊れているときしか使えないものは? → 卵)
3.Which letter is not me?
(私でないのはどんな文字? → U(=You))
4.What kind of room has no doors or windows?
(ドアも窓もない部屋は? → マッシュルーム)
5.What did the fish say when he swam into a cement wall?
(魚がコンクリートの壁にぶつかった。何と言ったか? → ダム(=damnちくしょう))
6.What did the lawyer name his daughter?
(弁護士が娘につけた名前は? → 「スー」(=sue訴えてやる!)
7.What letter of the alphabet has the most water?
(アルファベットのなかで一番たくさん水があるのは? → C(=sea))
8.What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?
(最初がT、最後がT、真ん中がTなのは? → Teapot(中にはtea))
9.Which bus could cross the ocean?
(バスはバスでも海を渡れたバスは? → コロンブス)
10.Why did the man throw the butter out the window?
Because he wanted to see the butter fly.
(ある人がバターを窓から投げました。なぜですか → バターが飛ぶの(=butterfly蝶々)を見たかったから)
11.Why is six afraid of seven?
Because seven ate nine.
(6はなぜ7が怖いのか? → 7が9を食べたから(ate=eight))
12.I will come one time in a minute, two times in a moment,
but will never come in thousand years. Who am I?
(minuteに1つ、momentに2つ、でもthousand yearsにひとつもないのは? → m)
13.I start with P and end with E,
but I have thousands of letters. Who am I?
Post office.
(始めがP、終わりがE、中に文字がたくさんあるのは? → Post office(letters=文字/手紙))
14.Which is faster, heat or cold?
Heat, because you can catch a cold.
( heatとcold、速いのはどっち? → heat.なぜならcoldは追いつけるから(catch a cold=風邪をひく))
15.A man rode into town on Tuesday.
Two days later he rode home on Tuesday.
How is this possible?
His horse's name is Tuesday.
(火曜日に町に来た男が、2日後の火曜に家に帰った。どういうこと? → Tuesdayは馬の名前だった)
(ドアも窓もない部屋は? → マッシュルーム)
5.What did the fish say when he swam into a cement wall?
(魚がコンクリートの壁にぶつかった。何と言ったか? → ダム(=damnちくしょう))
6.What did the lawyer name his daughter?
(弁護士が娘につけた名前は? → 「スー」(=sue訴えてやる!)
7.What letter of the alphabet has the most water?
(アルファベットのなかで一番たくさん水があるのは? → C(=sea))
8.What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?
(最初がT、最後がT、真ん中がTなのは? → Teapot(中にはtea))
9.Which bus could cross the ocean?
(バスはバスでも海を渡れたバスは? → コロンブス)
10.Why did the man throw the butter out the window?
Because he wanted to see the butter fly.
(ある人がバターを窓から投げました。なぜですか → バターが飛ぶの(=butterfly蝶々)を見たかったから)
11.Why is six afraid of seven?
Because seven ate nine.
(6はなぜ7が怖いのか? → 7が9を食べたから(ate=eight))
12.I will come one time in a minute, two times in a moment,
but will never come in thousand years. Who am I?
(minuteに1つ、momentに2つ、でもthousand yearsにひとつもないのは? → m)
13.I start with P and end with E,
but I have thousands of letters. Who am I?
Post office.
(始めがP、終わりがE、中に文字がたくさんあるのは? → Post office(letters=文字/手紙))
14.Which is faster, heat or cold?
Heat, because you can catch a cold.
( heatとcold、速いのはどっち? → heat.なぜならcoldは追いつけるから(catch a cold=風邪をひく))
15.A man rode into town on Tuesday.
Two days later he rode home on Tuesday.
How is this possible?
His horse's name is Tuesday.
(火曜日に町に来た男が、2日後の火曜に家に帰った。どういうこと? → Tuesdayは馬の名前だった)
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